
Living is about exploring life


My raison d'etre - almost!


Enoying amazing vistas!


Exploring new cultures - people, food, tourism!


Do make every adventure even more memorable - just add a smidge of Minion!


An upcoming type of adventure that I expect to be as tough as it's going to be rewarding!

Secret compass

Enoying amazing vistas!

Top Kayaking adventure

Top Kayaking adventure image

The "Kayaking lake Mälaren west" adventure 2019 is by far my most memorable and challenging!

Top Hiking adventure

Top Hiking adventure image

My first real trekk; attempting to summit Helags, Sweden. Unfortunetly, bad weather cancled the summit attempt.

Top Traveling adventure

Top Traveling adventure image

It's really difficult to choose, but I guess I have to go with my first solo trip - to the Big Appgle, after I had turned 19.

Top Minion adventure

Top Minion adventure image

Ah yes.. I remember it, like it was yesterday...

Top Swiming adventure

Top Swiming adventure image

None yet!

Top Secret compass adventure

Top Secret compass adventure image

The mind and body are ready, but the wallet is not.


Blog image

Stay a while and listen...


Fitness image

In order to benefit the most of the feature of living you should really skill up your fitness stats!


Gear image

While some adventures might not require that much gear, quality is still important!